SocialX – Screen Time Tracker MOD (Premium Unlocked / VIP / Pro) APK Download

Download SocialX – Screen Time Tracker MOD APK (Unlimited Everything / No ads / VIP/ PRO ) for Android, iOS

Download SocialX - Screen Time Tracker MOD APK

Using social media apps is not an issue. But, over usage is!
Looking for an app to limit your social media usage?
Looking for a screen time blocker app to help with app usage?

Then, you are at the right place. SocialX is here to help you with digital detox.
It helps track and reduce your screen time on social media apps.

With SocialX you can:

📱 limit social media usage
📈 increase your digital wellbeing
📱 limit whatsapp usage
👪 spend quality time with family
💯 increase efficiency and productivity
💪 reduce wasted time with digital detox and block youtube.

Key features:

1) Track screen time:

With this app, you can track time spent on social media (you can also limit social media usage time) and other apps on a daily basis. You can see cool statistics of time spent on apps in the last 7 days. You can also find statistics of the time spent on each app (this is a premium feature).

2) Set a daily limit on social media:

This Android screen time blocker application you can set a daily goal on the amount of time you want to spend on social media. This way, you have more time to spend in the real world and with real people. Once the limit is set on this social media blocker app, whenever you open a social media app, you will see a timer at the top of the screen. This timer keeps you conscious of your goal of keeping your usage to less than one hour. When your usage is less than 50% of your goal, the timer will show in green color. Once you cross 50%, it switches to orange / amber. After your usage crosses 90%, the timer will switch to a cautioning red color.

3) Block apps other than social media:

Not just social media apps, you can also track and block other apps that take away your time. E.g. let’s say you spend a lot of time on YouTube. But, Youtube is technically not a social media product. However, you can still add it to the list of apps to be tracked and the blocker tracks and limits your usage of youtube.To add more than 3 social media apps, you will need a premium subscription.

4) Set appwise usage limit:

SocialX has a total limit of time spent across all apps that you track. However, you might want to limit usage of a specific app, say, you want to limit Instagram, twitter usage to a certain duration. You can set an app specific usage limit as well (this is a premium feature). With this feature, you can ensure that a specific app doesn’t steal away your productivity.

5) Sleep peacefully:

Block all social media apps during bed time to sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed. When this switch is on, social media apps won’t be accessible during your sleep timings. You can set sleep timings according to your daily routine and limit your screen time and instagram usage.

6) Premium for free:

You can get premium features for free by referring friends and family members. When a friend joins, both of you get a week of free access to premium features.

7) Benefits of premium:

– With premium you can modify your timer which appears while using other apps
– You can add unlimited apps to limit their usage
– Setting appwise usage time limits. Suppose you want to limit instagram usage in particular, you can do it only with our premium plan.
– Do you want to know what was your twitter usage or whatsapp usage for the day? You can get app wise statistics with premium plans.
– No ads

Permissions required by SocialX:

Accessibility services: in order for SocialX to track the time of usage , accessibility services permission is needed(BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE).

What are you waiting for? Install SocialX screen time blocker and reduce your social media usage.

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Latest Version SocialX – Screen Time Tracker MOD + Pro App

Download and install the latest version of SocialX – Screen Time Tracker (MOD, + Unlocked All) APK from here for Android, iOS. This Mod Game is Provide (Premium Unlocked/ VIP / PRO / No Ads ) + OBB + Data full version free to download.

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Looking for an awesome SocialX – Screen Time Tracker app? Get ready to enjoy one of the best high quality SocialX – Screen Time Tracker apps offline & online enjoy new games. Here, a lot of extra modified essential features in apk for android / iOS. MENU MOD features of SocialX – Screen Time Tracker Here, download & install SocialX – Screen Time Tracker Premium MOD APK app with Pro Unlocked/VIP Version.

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SocialX – Screen Time Tracker (MOD + ) APK Free Download For Android & iOS from APK Download Hunt. (Latest version All the time). You can get the unlimited money & everything / unlocked all characters or skins) Updated Version APK or application from our site. Download now!

How to Download and Install App on your Android & iOS

In this part, you will learn how to Download and Install the SocialX – Screen Time Tracker Mod APP (Unlocked Version, Unlimited Money ) On Any Android Device or iOS. As an unknown file, all devices make some problems installing it. So that you have first allowed it in the device command section. Check the unknown source you just follow these steps: First You should go to the Settings option, And tap the Security Button. Finally, Allow the Unknown Sources option to install & Free Download.

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Download and install the latest version of SocialX – Screen Time Tracker MOD App from our site for Android and iOS. For the app’s downloading process in Android and iPhone versions, both are provided here in detail. If you love to playing games on your daily life, then here are the most popular SocialX – Screen Time Tracker (Premium, Unlocked, VIP, Pro version) apps get from apk download hunt, click below recommended download link.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What exactly is a SocialX – Screen Time Tracker Mod APP (Unlocked Version, Unlimited Money )? A. The original SocialX – Screen Time Tracker (Unlimited Money, Premium version) download for Android app has been edited (modified), adding extra features like endless money, unlimited lives, remove or unlock features, unlimited resources, extra features, or any other desired alterations. Because modified APKs were not made by the program’s original creators, they are not supported by them. Q. Downloading and installing the Mod APK from is safe? A. We check Google Play for the required APK file when a user downloads an apk file from, then we let them download it directly. Users may feel comfortable and secure playing the games and apps that have been put to our website. SocialX – Screen Time Tracker (Unlimited Everything / VIP / PRO / Ads Free) its latest version for Android, iOS (iPhone), and windows Q. The SocialX – Screen Time Tracker MOD (Premium Unlocked/ VIP / PRO / No Ads) APK files are legal, right? A. It is absolutely legal to get APK files and use them to install programs from sources other than the Google Play Store. Simply put, APK is a file format like EXE or ZIP. Google invented the APK format, but anybody can make and utilize MOD APK files. Q. Why is installation authorization required for ( SocialX – Screen Time Tracker + Free Shopping, Purchase + Full Paid for free, No ADS)? A. The operating system of your device is needed by the app. You will be made aware of all the privileges required to use an application when you install it. Q. What is the SocialX – Screen Time Tracker APK MOD (Ads Free, Unlocked All, Premium, Pro ) updating process? A. The MOD Premium version of the final MOD version is accessible at The most recent release version of this application is not required; it still works just fine without it. Q. How come the MOD version isn’t functioning? A. If you’re having trouble accessing Premium services, try logging out of your account and then signing back in. Q. Why do need SocialX – Screen Time Tracker pro version (No watermark, Unlock Everything / VIP) app? A. If you download the pro version, you can avoid every flaw in SocialX – Screen Time Tracker, With the app version of SocialX – Screen Time Tracker you do not have to spend any money and will get extra and more advanced features as compared to a free app. That’s why you need SocialX – Screen Time Tracker MOD APK (ed, Unlocked All Levels ).


Android 4.0 or later and a stable internet connection are needed. The needed speed is 3G, however 4G and Wi-Fi are encouraged. Give your smartphone permission to manually install apps.


Free to Download: There is absolutely no charge to play this game. It is free to play, thus there is no cost involved. That’s wonderful, isn’t it? No root There are no sources needed to open this file. It has no roots at all.


Huge File Size: The user’s phone needs extra storage capacity to match the size of this game. High level of addiction: This game is really addictive. Users shouldn’t spend a lot of time playing it every day.

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Overview SocialX – Screen Time Tracker MOD APP (Unlocked Version, )

In most cases; usually, SocialX – Screen Time Tracker app has a very nice feel to it and the reason why this app became so famous was because of its cutter yet they had an amazing app of creating that Captured the eye of every game lover out there. Download SocialX – Screen Time Tracker mod apk App (Unlimited Money / Gems, Premium version) using your favorite browser.  SocialX – Screen Time Tracker app Mod (Unlimited Money, Unlocked All, Premium, Pro ) can be used paid for free and does not require root on your device.

Download SocialX – Screen Time Tracker MOD (Pro, VIP, Premium Unlocked) APK for Android and iOS

Well, I hope you will love this new SocialX – Screen Time Tracker APK (Unlimited Everything / VIP / PRO / / Unlocked All Levels ) game. Download the latest version for free from the given links and enjoy it.  Thank you very much buddy for visiting my site. Please, don’t forget to visit again ApkDownloadHunt Site. We share with you the updated information about the most interesting game & apps for Android & iOS.

About admin018

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